AGGIES ARTICLES - Term 4 Week 7 - Friday 19 November 2021
Term 4 - Week 8
Mon 22 November |
Tue 23 November |
Wed 24 November |
Thur 25 November |
Fri 26 November |
Sat 27 November |
Dates For The Diary
Wed 1 December |
Thur 2 December |
Fri 3 December |
Mon 6 December |
Tue 7 December |
Wed 8 December - Fri 10 December |
Tue 14 December |
Wed 15 December |
Fri 4 February |
Tue 8 February |
This Sunday is the 34th and last Sunday in Ordinary Time
In Sunday’s Gospel (John 18:33-37), Jesus and Pilate discuss kingship - both have different ideas of what a king is. Jesus is only interested in being the king of our hearts. Jesus’ Kingdom is not of this world. He came to earth to create God's Kingdom, living his entire life showing us how to establish it on earth. We are called to live our lives as disciples of Christ.
Dear Parents and Carers
Staff Development/Pupil Free Day
We remind all families that there is no school tomorrow due to our planned Staff Spirituality Day. This day is allocated annually by the Catholic Schools Office to enhance the spiritual formation for all staff members in the Lismore Diocese. We will be focussed on messages from Bishop Greg in regard to the themes of Truth, Beauty and Goodness, reflecting on scripture messages and our own life experiences during times of struggle and joy. We will not be providing any supervision as there will be no staff on site. We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday.
Road and Carpark Safety Reminders
Please ensure that you are familiar with our traffic management plan that has been previously sent to all families this year.
The front gate is only for students who are being walked to the gate by their parents. We continue to have families pull up outside the front gate in the bus zone and allow their child to get out of the car. For the safety of everyone, especially your children, please use the “kiss and drop” at the Kindergarten gate if you do not wish to get out of the car. We are reminding the children every time they come through the gate, however, it is uncomfortable for them, when it is not their decision. We thank you for your support in ensuring that the children remain safe.
We were so excited to welcome our 2022 Kindergarten students to St Agnes’ this week! The children participated in Story Time and engaged in a story, songs, some craft and a tour of the playground. It was wonderful to witness their excitement as they began their new adventure. Thank you to Mr Krysten Jones, the Kindergarten team, Mrs Hugo, Miss Nosworthy and members of the leadership team for organising and supporting these special introductory events for our new children. We look forward to seeing the children again on Saturday 27 November for their next Story Time session.
Outdoor Education Day
Having students engage in Outdoor Learning has been shown to provide many benefits across schooling.
Did you know that it is even part of our Australian Curriculum? “Students can gain unique and specific benefits from outdoor learning, including skills and understandings, while valuing a positive relationship with natural environments and promote sustainable use of these environments.”
At St Agnes' we are committed to developing learning opportunities for all of our students and this year we are participating in Outdoor Education Day.
This day will take place at our school on Thursday 2 December. All students from K-6 will be involved in this fabulous day of learning that is directly linked to meeting outcomes across Key Learning Areas. A note will be coming home outlining details of our day soon.
We look forward to sharing our learning journey with you via your child’s Seesaw account and Facebook.
Thank God Moments
- We thank God for the generosity of all families in the St Agnes’ community who gave so generously to the Christmas Hamper appeal today.
- We are grateful to have had the pleasure of working with our new Kinders for 2022 this week
- Thank God for the Year 6 students who collected and organised the hamper donations, mentioning how cool it was that we could help others.
Centred In Christ and With Love For One Another, St Agnes’ Learners are:
This week our focus is on following the 4R's and being responsible at lunch times. Due to our Pupil Free Day on Friday we are unable to celebrate and share our Dojo certificate recipients this week. We will have a double celebration next week for these students.
House Cup Winner
This week's House Cup winner is: BORONIA Congratulations (3 weeks in a row)
Family Resources
World Kindness day was on 13 November. Here is a great clip to watch as a family - how infectious being kind can be.
This week at Aggies:
Library News
Have You Seen This Lost Thing?
The Year 4 Lost Things have escaped the Library and gone missing around the school. Can you help to find them? On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in Week 8, Year 4 will need everyone's help to find their mysterious Lost Things. If found, please return the Lost Thing to the Library and receive your reward.
This week was the final week for 2021 Library borrowing for Year 6. For all other students, the final week for Library borrowing will be next week. There will be a special prize for the first class to have all of their Library books returned for the year as well as some other prizes for students who have all of their books returned by the end of Week 9.
We will continue to have lots of fun activities and learning in the Library all the way up to the end of the school year.
Book Club
Book Club brochure #8 went home this week. If you wish to place an order, this needs to be returned to school or completed ONLINE by Wednesday 1 December.
Swimming Carnival
We are becoming increasingly confident that parents will be able to attend our swimming carnival as spectators on Monday 6 December. Parents who wish to attend would need to comply with all Covid-19 regulations, including providing the pool with proof of full vaccination upon entry, wearing a mask where required, and following all social distancing protocols.
We are currently looking closely at the format of our carnival in an effort to increase student enjoyment and participation. This may mean that our events might look different. We would love this carnival to be an event that all students feel connected to.
Summer Sports Trials
No decision has been made in regards to Touch Football at this stage and options are still being considered including out of school hours trials among others.
Children who have put their name down for Tennis and Basketball will be receiving a communication shortly about their trials which will now be held in Lismore on 8 February 2022.
The St Agnes’ Peloton
Our number of bike riders continues to increase, and we are now seeing up to 20 bikes in our bike rack! Many of our bike riders have been spotted detouring to Wayne Richards Park before and after school, where they burn out a few laps and hit the jumps. What a wonderful way to start and end the school day! We remind all of our bike riders of the importance of courteous and responsible behaviour and to always ensure they are wearing a helmet.
MONDAY | Jo McLaren and Ros Caldwell |
TUESDAY | Erin Brooke and Julia Comber |
THURSDAY | Maryanne Field |
FRIDAY | Leisa Gregory, Melinda Collins and Shannon Collins |