Newsletter - 2024 Term 4 Week 1
Term 4 Week 2
Mon 21 Oct |
Tue 22 Oct |
Wed 23 Oct |
Thur 24 Oct |
Fri 25 Oct |
Dates For The Diary
Mon 28 Oct |
Tue 29 Oct |
Wed 30 Oct |
Mon 4 Nov |
Tue 12 Nov |
Wed 13 Nov |
Thur 21 Nov |
Fri 22 Nov |
Tue 26 Nov |
Fri 29 Nov |
Wed 4 Dec |
Fri 6 Dec |
Mon 16 Dec |
Tue 17 Dec |
Wed 18 Dec |
From the Leaders

In this Sunday’s Gospel – Mark 10:35-45: James and John asked Jesus for positions of honour. Jesus taught that true greatness comes from serving others, not from seeking power. He emphasised that he came to serve and give his life for many.
Welcome Back
Welcome back to Term 4! Term 3 was very busy and exciting. Hold on to your hats, as this term is packed with learning and fun including Grandparents and Special Person’s Celebrations, an Art Exhibition, a Colour Run, CPR training, Exuro Retreat for Year Five students, excursions, Night of the Notables, Aggie’s Golf Day, School Band Concert, Summer Sports Trials, transitions to new classes.. and the list goes on!!

Welcome New Students
We are always excited to welcome new students to St Agnes’. This term we would like to introduce and welcome: Isla, Evie, Hermione, Flynn and Erinn.
School Counsellor
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ruth Hodge as School Counsellor for the two days that Kate Watson does not currently work (Tuesday and Wednesday). We welcomed Ruth this week. She comes with experience in a school setting and we can't wait for her to start working with the children.

2025 Planning - Parent Input Class Groupings
At the end of each year, we normally seek input from parents regarding class structure of friendship issues that need consideration. Our teachers work very hard throughout the year to get to know the children and all of their friendship connections and the class placement process is allocated considerable time from the staff. At St Agnes', we are always trying to improve on the way we have been doing things and following on from feedback, we have slightly altered the form this year. It will continue to be an online process. Just like normal end of year processes, this won’t be an opportunity to select a teacher.
As this process is conducted each year, we ask that parents include all necessary information on this sheet. Even if you have submitted information in previous years, please ensure you have recorded it on this form again, if it is still of relevance.
We ask that you please complete this information by 9:00am Wednesday 31 October 2024 so that it can help form part of our new grouping considerations. If you need to submit information for more than one child, please complete this form separately for each child in your family. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at school on (02) 65837433 or email
School Review 2024
As you are aware, at the start of Term Two this year our school engaged in two review processes that involved outside professionals coming into our school and interviewing all staff and some families. We are so pleased to share the final results with you all. In reviewing the rating scale, there are very few schools given an 'Outstanding' rating. It was beautiful to be acknowledged as a school receiving this in the data area. Both the ACER and Mission reviews were a lovely affirmation for all of the great things that are happening at our school. We are sharing these complete documents so that you can join in our celebration as well! Each review also has components of commendations and recommendations. We have been using these areas of recommendations to help explore elements of our future three year strategic plan. If you are interested in offering some ideas about where you would like to take our school over the coming three years in regards to mission, learning and teaching, pastoral care and wellbeing, along with family/school partnerships, please come along to our Community Forum meeting on Monday next week at 5:45pm to share your ideas!
Year 1 Early Bird Reading Club
This week we began our Early Bird Reading Club in the Library. We welcomed Year 1 students to join us to develop their reading skills and love of reading. We would love to see more parents or grandparent volunteers! You will need to be available between 8:10am and 8:50am, on a given day of the week. If you are interested in volunteering to help with reading with our Year 1 students, please contact Lisa James or a member of the Year 1 teaching team.

CPR Awareness Program
This week students from Year 5 and 6 had the opportunity to participate in a CPR Awareness Program.
Cameron McFarlane from NSW CPR Program gave wonderful feedback on the level of respect and engagement of those students who opted to participate. These students received learning and participated in practical activities to enhance their awareness of helping in medical situations.

Social Justice
As everyone knows, our school’s Social Justice Mission Goal for 2024 is to Increase our Understanding of Social Justice. The SRC would like to share an update on our work with this goal.

This week students in Year 12 began their HSC exams. Best wishes to all candidates, especially those who are a part of the St Agnes’ Parish.
Last Term, Year 6 students extended their personal best wishes to ex students from St Agnes’ Primary School with individual messages. Each of our classes have been allocated a student within our parish to pray for during their exam period.
A Parish HSC Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We bring before You our HSC students. Give them the gifts of wisdom, right judgment, knowledge
and courage. Bless them with calm hearts and clarity of mind as they sit for their exams.
May they be affirmed in their efforts and may they know that You are there with them. We pray that they
will stay calm under pressure and work to the best of their ability.
May they feel Your loving presence in their lives, now and always, and may they be strengthened by
the prayerful support of us, their parish community.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit
now and forever. Amen

Poster Competition
Last term during Constable Steve’s safety talk he invited students in Years 4, 5 and 6 to design posters demonstrating the importance of showing respect and being safe in our homes, school and community in the form of a poster. He reinforced the importance of us following rules to keep us safe. He covered rules on physical aggression, swearing, racist comments, cyber safety, inappropriate physical contact and the importance of regular school attendance.
We ask for these entries to be handed in to the front office by Friday 25 October so he can judge the entries and hand out prizes to the winners. We hope to use these posters around our school.

On Sunday 24 November all families are invited to join for Mass to celebrate Christ the King at St Joseph’s Regional College at 10:00am. This is a community celebration enabling all parishioners to come together “as one body”. The Mass will be followed by food and fun activities for all. More information will be shared in the coming weeks.
Learning Conversations
Semester Two Learning Conversation times are still open for bookings in your Compass Conferences tab. There are a variety of times and dates available to select from. Learning Conversations are an opportunity to meet and continue to work in partnership with teachers to support your child’s learning and well-being. Years 3-6 are welcome to attend with their parents/carers. All meetings will be held in your child’s classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher or the front office if you have any questions.
2024 Dance Eisteddfod

Sports News

Summer Sport Trials
This week, trials for both girls' and boys' basketball and touch football have continued. Many students have nominated themselves for selection, and the standard of play has been impressive. Final teams will be announced next week, and successful students will receive a notification through Compass.
Zone selections for basketball and tennis will take place on Monday 28 October. The basketball trials will be held at the Port Macquarie Indoor Stadium (Hasting River Drive), where six boys and six girls will compete for Diocesan team selection. This year, the tennis selections have been moved to the Kempsey Tennis Centre. Families are responsible for arranging private transportation for both basketball and tennis events.
The touch football and cricket selections are scheduled for Monday 4 November at the Verge St playing fields in Kempsey. Transport to these trials will be provided by bus, shared with St Joseph's Primary School. The bus will depart from Aggies at 7:40am, with a stop to pick up athletes from St Joey's.
We apologise for the short notice regarding permission slips for these selections, but we wanted to ensure that the process was fair for all students.
Aggies Swimming Carnival
The Aggies Swimming Carnival has been scheduled for Friday 6 December. This is a major event on the school’s sporting calendar for all grades and is one you won’t want to miss. The Carnival is designed to be a fun and inclusive day that encourages participation from everyone.
To ensure the event runs smoothly, we need support from our school community. If you are available to help on 6 December and would like to assist in supporting our students, please reach out to Drew Wilson at or Renee Shaw at
Future Dates
- Monday 28 October: Basketball Summer Sports Trials - Port Macquarie Indoor Stadium (Years 4 & 5)
- Monday 28 October: Tennis Summer Sports Trials - Kempsey Tennis Centre (Years 4 & 5)
- Monday 4 November: Cricket and Touch Football Summer Sports Trials - Verge St Kempsey (Years 4 & 5)
- Tuesday 26 November: Diocesan Summer Sports Trials (Years 4 and 5 Basketball and Tennis)
- Thursday 28 November: Diocesan Summer Sports Trials (Years 4 and 5 Cricket and Touch Football)
- Friday 6 December: St Agnes' Swimming Carnival - Port Macquarie Town Pool
Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students who have reached 400 Dojos:
Everett B, Sophie W and Thomas B
Congratulations to the following students who have reached 300 Dojos:
Aanshi P, Alba W, Amelia W, Ande S, Audrey F, Charlie R, Chloe L, Clare M, Edward M, Hadley M, Harrison S, Huxley G, Imogen W, Ira S, Ivy C, Jasper K, Kanata N, Layla R, Levi W, Lucas M, Lucas S, Mikayla O, Molly B, Pip A, Ruby H, Samuel B, Thomas B, Thomas M, Tyler C, Waverly C and Zuri T
Congratulations to the following students who have reached 200 Dojos:
Archie M, Braxton H, Darling L, Enzo W, Eva S, Florence H, Grace B, Huxley G, Jaxton N, Jayde B, Jayden C, Michael T, Molly B, Oliver W, Rossana A and Skylah N
Congratulations to the following students who have reached 100 Dojos:
Diya D, Madelyn F, Nate B, Sienna V, Skylah N and Van M
Student Awards
Alaura M, Alexander M, Amelie W, Amirah T, Archie S, Ashton S, Aubree D, Aurora S, Ava R, Bryce L, Charlee T, Chloe L, Clare M, Cooper W, Damien B, Emily H, Emmanuel S, Everett B, Evie D, Flynn W, Gracie U, Hadley M, Hamish D, Hermione P, Jagga S, Jaspian A, Jesse H, Jonas C, Kade W, Kallan F, Liam O, Lucas K, Mahli F, Mason W, Nate M, Rebekah B, Ryuta F, Shayla D, Sienna T, Sophia S, Sophie C, Tabitha B, Tara A, Thomas B, Tilda R and Utah E
Positive Behaviour Support

Welcome to Term 4 and a fresh new start. This week our focus is on Respect: I respect the diversity of all members of our school community. This focus has come from our current PBS Data as a need to help teach this life skill to our students. To address this we will begin Term 4 teaching our students about racism so they understand what it is and how they can take self-accountability to end this behaviour. At St Agnes', we believe that racism is unacceptable and that we can empower students to know that change starts with us.
Family Resources:
Books to Share:
St Agnes' Primary School Community Forum

Colour Run Family Event - Thursday 24 October 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
The School Community Forum Colour Run will be held next Thursday, straight after school. Those who have experienced it before know how much fun it is and how much the kids (and adults) enjoy it. All family members are invited to participate by completing the obstacle course or throwing the powder.
Dress in white for the event (parents too!). It is an out of uniform day at school so students can come to school wearing their whites. This is a parent run event so parents must be onsite to supervise their children.
This event really does take a village to organise, so we are once again reaching out to the wider school community to ask for volunteers to help in various roles. Please see the attached list of where help is needed. If you are able to volunteer, please get in touch with Simon Hersee, SCF Volunteer Coordinator on 0425 820 230 or
We are requesting a $5.00 donation per family to assist in covering event costs. The Social Sundays at Springloaded held earlier this year raised $1665.93 which is being put towards the Colour Run, however, it costs the School Community Forum around $3000 to deliver this event.
Please see the flyer below and visit the flexischools app to order your pizza dinner. Pizza orders close at midday on Tuesday.

October SCF Meeting – Monday 21 October 5:45pm
Please follow the link below to view the agenda for the October SCF meeting. All parents are warmly invited to attend.
To get in touch, please email

Canteen News

Monday | |
Tuesday | Barbara McGregor |
Wednesday | HELP PLEASE |
Thursday | Cathy Quirk |
Friday | Daniel Stewart, Veronica Swadling and Tegan Bassett |

Parish News

Community News