Newsletter - 2024 Term 3 Week 10
Term 4 Week 1
Mon 14 Oct |
Tue 15 Oct |
Wed 16 Oct |
Thur 17 Oct |
Fri 18 Oct |
Dates For The Diary
Mon 21 Oct |
Tue 22 Oct |
Thur 24 Oct |
Fri 25 Oct |
Mon 28 Oct |
Tue 29 Oct |
Wed 30 Oct |
Mon 4 Nov |
From the Leaders

In September 2024, the Sunday readings follow Year B of the liturgical cycle. They cover important themes such as obeying God’s commands (Sept 1), God’s impartial love and mercy (Sept 8), recognizing Jesus as Savior (Sept 15), embracing humility and service (Sept 22), and avoiding pride by welcoming others who work for God as they too receive the spirit and work miracles (Sept 29). Each Sunday encourages us to live out our faith authentically and to embrace Jesus’ teachings in our daily lives. These readings are meant to deepen our understanding of discipleship and our relationship with God.

As Term 3 comes to an end, it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the exciting and productive few months we’ve had at St Agnes’.
This term we have had a disco, the Creative Art Spectatcular, Dance Eisteddfod, Confirmation, Learning Conversations, Family Social gatherings, Liturgies and Masses, fundraising events, movie events, end of term treats and sporting events. Once again a huge thank you must go out to our families and wider school community for your wonderful support for our students.
We wish all our St Agnes’ Primary School community a safe and enjoyable school holiday period with some important family time together.

Raffle Winners
Congratulations to everyone who was involved in the raffle. Thanks to the Bushe family and Aunty Michelle for donating the wonderful prizes, the Office Aunties and Year 6 for selling tickets and to all students and families who bought tickets. Together we raised $370.
This money was spent buying coffee, juice, washing powder and dishwashing liquid to be used at the Homeless Collective. Towels to be used on site and shared amongst the friends who use the service, along with Coles food and fuel cards.

Penance for Year Four was celebrated as a communal service this week. Thank you to Father Paul and Vanessa Denham for organising this special ceremony.
Father Paul used the Parable of the Prodigal Son as the source of discussion and reflection on how we behave and treat others. The pictures below show the respect and reverence displayed, along with ‘all hands in’ action celebrating showing God’s love. The candidates shared that they felt calm, relaxed and peaceful after the service.

Poster Competition
Senior Constable Steve invited students in Years 4, 5 and 6 to design a poster about the importance of showing respect and being safe in our homes, school and community in the form of a poster. He reinforced the importance of us following rules to keep us safe, but also as people who belong to a “team”. He covered rules on physical aggression, swearing, racist comments, cyber safety, inappropriate physical contact and the importance of regular school attendance.
He plans to judge these entries early in Term 4 and hand out prizes to the winners. All entries are to be on an A4 sheet of paper. Some of these will be used around our school.

Stage 3 CPR Course
A reminder that students in Years 5 and 6 are invited to register for the CPR course being held on their first day back of school next term. The expressions of interest and permission needs to be given by Friday 27 September via Compass.

Holiday Hair Cuts
We ask for parent support in ensuring that when students return to school for Term 4 that they are neatly presented following the guidelines in the uniform policy. This means no cut out designs or shavings, no extreme hairstyles and hair shoulder length or longer or covering student’s faces for learning needs to be tied back.
School Review
The results from our School Review will be shared in Week 1 next Term.

Important Update
We would like to inform the school community of an important update regarding our school. For the safety and comfort of all students, staff and visitors, dogs are not permitted on school grounds.
While we understand that many families enjoy bringing their pets during drop-off and pick-up times, this decision has been made with careful consideration of several factors, including:
- Student safety: Some students may feel uncomfortable or anxious around dogs, and even well-behaved pets can react unpredictably in a busy school environment.
- Health concerns: We have students with allergies and conditions that may be aggravated by the presence of animals.
- Hygiene: We want to maintain a clean and safe environment for everyone, and managing animal waste can be difficult in public spaces.
Learning Conversations
Semester Two Learning Conversation times are now open for bookings in your Compass Conferences tab. There are a variety of times and dates available to select from. Learning Conversations are an opportunity to meet and continue to work in partnership with teachers to support your child’s learning and well-being. Years 3-6 are welcome to attend with their parents/carers. All meetings will be held in your child’s classroom. Please contact your child’s teacher or the front office if you have any questions.
Staff Professional Learning Day - Friday 27 September and Monday 14 October
Supervision will be available at school on Friday 27 September and Monday 14 October for any families that are not able to organise alternative arrangements. Children should be in their uniform and will need to bring lunch, fruit, hat and a water bottle. Lunch orders are available, the canteen will be operating as normal on this day. Please use the link below to register your child.
To book your child’s place please log on to The unique code to log on is ke7p3

Sports News

Paul Wilson Cup and Lismore Diocese Netball Challenge
Last Friday, 22 students from Aggies travelled to St Peter’s for the annual Paul Wilson Cup and the Lismore Netball Challenge. Both competitions were highly competitive, with students vying for the opportunity to represent the Hastings Zone at the Diocesan Finals in Grafton.
The teams gave their all throughout the day. The netball team recorded two wins, one draw, and one loss, finishing second overall in the carnival. The girls demonstrated resilience, especially in their third game, where they came from behind to secure a draw.
The soccer team had an impressive performance, achieving three wins and suffering one narrow loss in their four matches. The team’s progression to the finals depended on the outcome of a game between St Joseph’s Wauchope and St Joseph’s Kempsey. That match ended in a draw, which ultimately secured Aggies the overall win and a place in the Diocesan finals. Congratulations to both teams in what was an enjoyable day of sport.

Yesterday, the Aggies soccer team competed in the finals of the Paul Wilson Cup in Grafton. It was a hot day, with temperatures nearing 30 degrees and little wind. The finals featured one team each from the Clarence, Richmond, Tweed, and Hastings zones. Each game lasted 50 minutes, with a 5-minute halftime.
In the semi-final, Aggies faced St Anthony’s from Kingscliff, who proved too strong and won the match. Congratulations to St Anthony’s, who went on to win the Grand Final later in the day, securing the Paul Wilson Cup for the first time. In the 3rd place playoff, Aggies were defeated by St Francis Xavier from Woolgoolga.
Thank you to the parents who provided transport and supported our students on the day. We can’t do these events without you. Despite the losses, the team should be proud of their achievement in reaching the Diocesan finals and their efforts on the day. As voted by the players, Charlie Haddon from Year 6, our goalkeeper for the day, was voted as the Players Player and the Coaches award was given to Josh Abraham. Well done to all the students who played.

NRL Hastings All Schools Cup
Six teams participated in the NRL League Gala Day at Stuarts Park yesterday. As a gala day, the focus was on fun and inclusion, with teams of mixed abilities. Three Under 10s teams and three Under 12s teams, comprised of boys and girls from Years 3 to 6, were entered in each division. The event featured full-contact games, and our students were well prepared, thanks to the training provided by Mr Brazel, Mr Evans and Mr Behan. Each team played four 15-minute games throughout the day.
Our students are to be commended for their excellent sportsmanship both on and off the field. A special mention goes to the Aggies students who volunteered to play for Beechwood Primary when a few players were sidelined due to injury.
We also extend our thanks to the many families who came out to Stuarts Park to support the children and cheer them on from the sidelines. A big thank you to Mr Behan, Mr Brazel, Miss Kershaw, Mrs Singh, Mrs Nosworthy and Mr Hersee for preparing and organising our students for the day.
Here is what some of the students had to say about the day:
“It was fun because I had team players. We tried our best and won three out of four. I liked it because it was my first time playing tackle. People were so supportive and kind. Sometimes, we even got to fill in for other schools if needed.” - Arie Ford, Year 3
“I loved the tackle Gala day because there were a lot of teams and great players, and even if you haven't played before you could join the team and have fun. The thing that I liked the most about the tackle gala day was that we all got to play four amazing and fun games. I am really looking forward to the next tackle gala day.” - Daniel Ivannikov, Year 3
“The NRL gala day was fun. We played three games of tackle and won one game of footy. We played St Agnes 1 and 2 and a different school. Our team scored two tries in our first game. In our second game, we lost 4 to 0, and in our third game, we lost 5 to 0.” - Charlie Totten - Year 3
Future Dates
- Monday 28 October: Summer Sports Trials (Years 4 and 5 Basketball and Tennis)
- Monday 4 November: Summer Sports Trials (Years 4 and 5 Cricket and Touch Football)
- Tuesday 26 November: Diocesan Summer Sports Trials (Years 4 and 5 Basketball and Tennis)
- Thursday 28 November: Diocesan Summer Sports Trials (Years 4 and 5 Cricket and Touch Football)
Positive Behaviour Support

This week we continue with our focus on being resolute in our relationships. We take a deeper look into learning about how to respect the diversity of all members of our school community. Students have learnt about racism so they understand what it is and how they can take self-accountability to end this behaviour. At St Agnes’, we believe that racism is unacceptable and that we can empower students to know that change starts with us.
PBS Treat Day
Congratulations to our winning house Boronia who had a great time last Monday celebrating.

Family Resources:
Books to Share:
St Agnes' Primary School Community Forum

Colour Run Family Event - Thursday 24 October 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
Please see the flyer below and visit the flexischools app to order your pizza dinner.

'Spring Fling' Parents Night
Parents came together for the Spring Fling at Tacking Point Tavern last Friday night. It was great to see our community come together for what was a fantastic night! Thank you to all those involved in making it happen.

September SCF Meeting Minutes
Please see below the minutes of the September SCF meeting. The October meeting will be held on Monday 21 October from 5:45pm.
To get in touch, please email

Canteen News

Monday | Staff Development/Pupil Free Day |
Tuesday | Ros Caldwell |
Wednesday | HELP PLEASE |
Thursday | HELP PLEASE |
Friday | Candice Charlton, Tegan Bassett and Alison Neale |

Parish News

Community News