Newsletter - Term 2 Week 8
Term 2 Week 9
Sun |
Mon |
Tue 20 June | |
Wed 21 June |
Thu 22 June |
Fri 23 June |
Dates For The Diary
Tue |
Fri |
Mon |
From The Leaders

The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (John 1:29-34)
In John’s Gospel this Sunday we hear his version of Jesus being baptised. John says that he saw the Holy Spirit, in the form of the dove, come down from the sky and rest on Jesus. When people are baptised, before the water is poured over them, the priest blesses the water. He prays that the Holy Spirit will come and fill it with God’s spirit. This is then poured on those who will be christened.
Jesus began his public ministry after his baptism. He travelled all over preaching and healing. We too are asked to do God’s work after baptism.
Biggest Morning Tea
Thank you to the Aggies’ Community, led by Michelle Gerathy in raising $1500 for cancer research through the Biggest Morning Tea last Friday. Congratulations and thank you to all who supported this initiative.

Congratulations to our Campers!
We are so proud of Year Six. As they return home from camp today, you may see tired, happy smiles. What we saw was a group of young people who displayed great courage, determination, resilience, teamwork and made St Agnes’ Primary School so proud when the camp instructors commented on the group’s behaviour.
When asked what were the best things about camp, some of the students gave these responses:
“The activities and the food”.
Going to the top of the Mega Drop when I was going to stop at 7”.
“Getting through the Team Rescue course with my team.. without any hints”.
The food was certainly a popular answer, nobody on this camp could possibly go hungry! In fact it was the first time we have ever heard an 11 year old boy say “Oh wow - are we eating again?”
We would like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful staff who supported the students through the camp experience, your commitment to their care was above and beyond.
We hope all of the students and staff have a well deserved rest over the weekend.

Winter Woolies Appeal
Next Friday, 23 June students and staff are invited to come dressed in their warmest Winter Woolies for a gold coin donation, as part of the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. This year the focus for the drive is on the growing population of elderly women who have become homeless.
One of our school goals is to promote social justice, enacting this in practical ways to support local charities. We would appreciate any donations of warm bedding and clothing. This can be sent in any time during Week Eight. The SRC will sort and bag these items. Money raised will be used toward food vouchers St Vincent de Paul provides to the needy in our local community.
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to all of the students in Years Four and above who made their Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Thank you to the staff who prepared the students and who supported during each of the ceremonies this week and again this weekend. We pray that this experience leads our candidates in living a christian life.
Whole School Prayer
We look forward to Kinder Hope presenting the whole school prayer on Monday morning, which was a change mentioned in last week’s newsletter. We warmly welcome all families to join us for this and prayer any Monday morning.
Leadership In Faith
Year Six are excited to be working on their leadership in faith skills with students from Newman College on Wednesday next week.

This Week We Thank God For:
- The work of our Teacher Assistants and support workers who go above and beyond to support our students in all facets of their learning
- Kenny Little for donating fresh fruit to each of our classrooms to support students who don’t have any.
- Watching our candidates receive Holy Communion for the first time so reverently.

Pastoral Care

Sports News
Polding Cross Country
On Tuesday this week four Aggies students travelled down to the Sydney Aquestrian Centre to compete in the Polding Cross Country Carnival. The students reported a hard track with a mixed terrain on the day. At this level our four athletes are competing against the fastest students from all other Catholic schools in the state. Congratulations to Hunter Favaloro (8/9 yrs Boys), Max Schneider and Leo Donahue (12yrs Boys) and Indigo Duncan (12yrs Girls) for making it to such an elite level.
Indigo Duncan finished 6th in the 12yrs Girls race with a personal best time of 11 minutes 42 seconds. This qualifies Indigo for the NSW PSSA Championship where she will now run against students from all schools across NSW later in the month. All the best with your training Indigo and best of luck for NSW PSSA Championships.

Athletics Carnival Wrap Up
Thank you to all parents, staff and anyone who assisted at last Friday’s Athletics Carnival. It had been four years since we last held a carnival, and many staff were away on the day. In the true Aggies spirit, the school community stepped up to help where possible, making the day enjoyable for our students.
On Friday, we announced Clarence as the winning House but ran out of time to announce Age Champions. As Year Six have been away on camp this week, we decided to hold this over until next week, when all students are present. Congratulations to the Year Six Captains for organising and leading your houses. You did a fantastic job on the day.
Student Awards
Dojo Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 200 Dojos:
1 Faith - Ruben, Zayne, Lucas, Charlotte, Cade, Roman and Brayden
1 Hope - Julian
1 Love - Mahli-Lee and Emmett
2 Faith - Amelia, Mia, Flynn and Angus
2 Hope - Indi and Rocky
2 Love - Annalisa
3 Faith - Nicholas
3 Hope - Ivy
4 Hope - Cody
4 Love - Charlotte, Kallan and Kitt
6 Faith - Olivia
6 Love - Maja and Armani
Congratulations to the following students who have reached 100 Dojos:
K Faith - Liam
K Hope - Annabelle, Sophia, Mason and Isla
K Love - Frankie, Jack, Edison, Louis, Ashton and Lacey
3 Hope - Georgia, Scarlett, Lucas and Amelia
3 Love - Reginald
5 Faith - Braxton
5 Hope - Connor, Lucas, Ethan, Hayley, Addison, Shivam, Laylah, Flynn Wehlow and Flynn White
5 Love - Harley, Isiah, Ethan, Mahli, Alexis, Elkie, Jagga and Tessa
6 Faith - Harvey and Pippa
6 Hope - Indigo
6 Love - Kobe, Alraya-Rose, Alexander and Amelia
Our next monthly meeting is on Monday 19 June. We will meet in the staff room from 5:45pm to 6:45pm. We would love to see you there.
Canteen News

Monday | Jo McLaren |
Tuesday | Claudia Canivilo |
Wednesday | Alicia Martin, Maryanne Field and HELP PLEASE |
Thursday | HELP PLEASE |
Friday | Daniel Stewart, Sarah Taylor, Veronica Swadling |
This Week At Aggies

This Week's Notes and App Alerts

Parish News

General Information
Term 3 - Drawn to Art Afterschool Art Classes
Mondays - 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Tuesdays - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Wednesdays - 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturdays - 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Drawn to Art Studio Location:4/35 Merrigal Rd, PMQ
Mob: 0438 803 992