Newsletter - Term 2 Week 7
Term 2 Week 8
Mon |
Tue 13 June |
Wed 14 June |
Thu 15 June |
Fri 16 June |
Sun |
Dates For The Diary
Mon |
Fri |
Fri |
Mon |
From The Leaders
Ordinary Time
When people hear the word ordinary they often think of ‘boring.’ But in the Church we see Ordinary Time as a time where we have endless opportunities to grow in holiness and reflect on Jesus’ life. During the early weeks of Ordinary Time, we hear how Jesus’ entire ministry unfolds from its early stages, through his three year mission, until his last days on earth. Ordinary Time begins on the Monday after Pentecost and continues until the First Sunday of Advent. The liturgical colour for this season is green, and this is the colour for most of the year. Green is the colour of ongoing life and hope.
Biggest Morning Tea
What a great success. Thank you to all who contributed to this important fundraiser by donating yummy treats or through their monetary donation.
COMPASS School Manager
We are in the final stages of the onboarding process to our new communication platform Compass School Manager. Please find below an image outlining significant dates in the onboarding process.
You may wish to check with us your current registered email address, and mobile phone number so that your unique username and password can be communicated to you. Every parent/guardian/carer receives a separate login to Compass which we will send to you on Monday 10 July.
If you share an email address with your significant other, then you will receive two emails with two unique logins and these will be sent to you. Your username and password is unique to you, families will not share a username and password, and will come from an address - you may need to check your junk mail box. A final communication regarding the change to Compass will be communicated in Week 9.
ArtWalk Is On Tonight!
We would like to thank our wonderful staff members who are volunteering at ArtWalk tonight at our amazing A4 Art Exhibition. We encourage everyone to go along, view the artwork and vote for our finalists!
Photo Booth Fun At The Sports Carnival
Reporting Communication
We advise all families that as per our previous newsletter comments, K-2 reports will look different this year due to the changes to our English and Mathematics Syllabus documents. Starting from next week, you will see a range of communication regarding this. There will be a video for English and Mathematics, then following this, there will be a glossary page.
When the reports are released, we will also send the information page about how to read the report and place a snippet of these on your child’s Seesaw page, to enable you to best understand the reports. Please see your child’s teacher or Kate de Bressac for any information or questions regarding student reports.
Each year, students in Years Two to Six are offered the opportunity to sit ICAS Assessments in a range of different subject areas. These are purely optional and occur on various dates during Term Three. Prior to the end of Term Two, information will be sent to all families in Years Two to Six which provides information regarding online registration.
Year Four Reflection Day
The students making their Sacrament of First Holy Communion and the rest of the Year Four grade attended a Reflection Day at the Youth Hub yesterday in preparation for next week. We ask you to keep them and their families in your prayers as they continue on their faith journey.
Student Safety
Thanks to those families collecting children who keep the traffic flowing along Boronia Street and drive on, around the block when advised. Another thank you to those drivers who leave the pedestrian crossing clear for our students and families to leave school safely.
Today we farewell Elise Evans, who has been an amazing Teacher Assistant at St Agnes’ Primary School working in Year Three this year. We wish her well in her exciting new role and thank her for the contribution she has made to our learning community.
Please ensure your child is in the correct uniform, including following the hair style policy of ‘no extreme hairstyles’ and hair at shoulder length or if longer being tied back and off the face for learning. This is particularly important as we have had recent cases of headlice.
Whole School Prayer
Kinder Hope will be celebrating the whole school prayer on Monday 19 June not next week as previously advised.
Winter Woolies
On Friday 23 June we invite all students to come dressed in their warmest winter clothes for a gold coin donation. Money raised will go towards food vouchers.
During that week the SRC will be collecting donations of warm clothes and bedding. These will be given to the St Vincent de Paul Society to provide for those in the Port Macquarie community in need.
This Week We Thank God For:
- Thank God for Michelle Gerathy who organised the Biggest Morning Tea, raising money for cancer. She also created the fabulous items that were for sale on the day, with the help of Lyndsay Wallace, Di Warren and some students during Craft for Service and in her own time.
- For the wonderful opportunity to meet the prospective Kindergarten students and families for 2024 during their visits for interviews.
- For Drew Wilson and Renee Shaw who spent hours coordinating today’s Athletics Carnival.
Pastoral Care
Sports News
Last week Xavier Dare attended the NSW PSSA Hockey Carnival. It was a long four days of hockey, playing against the best in the State. An excellent experience for Xavier and a chance for him to make many new friends, many of whom he will be playing with at the NSW State Carnival later this month. After four days of hockey, the Polding teams finished 7th overall. Xavier walked away from the carnival with an award for holding the most demanding position over the four days. Well done Xavier, for making it to such an elite level, and best of luck in the upcoming State Carnival.
School Athletics Carnival
What a great day of sport. We had perfect weather for the event, and it was great to hold our first Athletics Carnival since 2019. Seeing the entire school come together with our community and cheer on the Kindy and Year 1 students in the 70m dash was amazing. There was some natural talent on display and lots of smiles from all our athletes. It’s on these days that we get to see the best of students. Respect and sportsmanship are always highlights of the day.
Congratulations to our house leaders, who worked hard over the last week to help the carnival get going. Your guidance and leadership are greatly appreciated. Thank you to all staff. It was a big ask, and we are so grateful to have people willing to step up and help when needed. Finally, thank you to the families and students. We hope you enjoyed the day.
The Aggies Zone Athletics Team will be announced in next week’s newsletter
Polding Cross Country
Now we move straight from Athletics and back into Cross Country. Next week, four of our Aggies students will travel to Sydney to compete in the Polding Cross Country Carnival at the Sydney Equestrian Centre. We wish the following students all the best next week and look forward to hearing about the carnival and results.
8/9yrs Boys - Hunter Favaloro
12yrs Gilrs - Indigo Duncan
12yrs Boys - Max Schiender
12yrs Boys - Leo Donohue
Canteen News
Monday | Amanda Ehlers |
Tuesday | Charmaine Fowler |
Wednesday | Linda Smith |
Thursday | Ros Caldwell, Elise Ovington and Lauren Van Boxtel |
Friday | Marie Flanagan and HELP PLEASE |