Student Awards

DOJO Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 300 Dojos:

Alex A, Ethan W, Indi F, Noah E and Thomas B

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 200 Dojos:

Aanshi P, Abhyukth S, Alyse V, Amelia W, Angel S, Annalisa L, Ariah A, Ariana F, Arie F, Asha G, Audrey F, Aurora P, Ava R, Avery C, Beau L, Benjamin C, Benjamin M, Bracen S, Brayden W, Bridger D, Brodie D, Bryce L, Cade S, Charlie E, Charlie R, Charlie T, Charlotte B, Charlotte M, Charlotte M, Ella M, Elsie K, Emilia T, Emmanuel  S, Gaurika B, Georgia W, Hadley M, Hailey J, Hana D, Harrison B, Harrison S, Hayley M, Imogen W, Indiana F, Ira S, Isobel W, Isolde O, Ivy C, James H, Jax E, Kanata N, Khuong V, Korbin C, Lacey W, Lachlan C, Lucky S, Layla M, Layla R, Levi W, Lucas G, Lucas M, Lucas S, Mahli N, Mahli-Lee W, Maja M, Mia T, Migha A, Nina T, Pip A, Roman S, Rory C, Rose M, Ruben D, Ruby H, Sadie O, Scarlett G, Sharleigh F, Tabitha B, Tully D, Waverly C and Zuri T

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 100 Dojos:

Alfred S, Amelia S, Ava C, Callum J, Jasper M, Jayden J, John D, Lachlan F, Lucas R, Mia M, Michael L, Mila M, Narz M, Peyton T and Willow H

Assembly Awards

Aaron V, Alira S, Annabelle B, Ariah A, Audrey F, Banjo T, Beau L, Bracen S, Braxton H, Callum J, Casey C, Charlee T, Charlotte D, Eli B, Elkana J, Ethan B, Everett B, Flynn N, Georgia S, Hendrix H, Imogen H, Isabella K, Jai C, Joseph O, Karvella I, Liam B, Lily S, Lilyana P, Louis R, Luke R, Malakai C, Neosha K, Netaniah S, Noah B, Noah E, Pip A, Pippa T, Roman S, Ryuta F, Sadie S, Sally-Ann V, Savannah M, Sienna H, Sienna R, Sophie W, Tate A, Tyson E, Waverly C and Zoe O

Community News


Is your child ready to shine? 🌟 Join us for drama classes every Thursday afternoon at St Agnes' Primary School!

🎭 Where: Creative Arts rooms, St Agnes' Primary School
🕒 Time: 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM
🎓 Who: Open to budding thespians in Years 1 to 6

Our classes are designed to help students express themselves and build confidence in a supportive, inclusive environment. It's all about fun and creativity!

Don't miss out on this opportunity for your child to explore the world of drama. Enrol today and watch them unleash their inner star! ✨

For more information and to register, contact the front office for an enrolment form.

Positive Behaviour Support

Welcome to Term 3 and a fresh new start. This week our PBS focus is on being Respectful. I am respectful in my relationships and make the right choices for myself and others. The purpose of this lesson is to teach students that respect is the foundation of our relationships. This lesson is designed to develop self awareness and empower students to make personal decisions in their relationships that are respectful to themselves and others. It is also helpful to know that respect looks and feels differently based on each of your students’ cultures and your students may show respect differently from the school, classroom, or teacher’s dominant culture. For example, in some cultures maintaining eye contact is a sign of disrespect or aggression. It doesn't mean the student is not paying attention.

Family Sites:


Canteen News

WednesdayDarci-Rai McGhie
ThursdayLauren Van Boxtel
Friday Tracey Waind and Marie Flanagan

Parish News

From the Leaders

In this Sunday’s gospel we hear about Jesus and his disciples sharing the loaves and fishes with his 5000 followers. The people were so keen to be near him they forgot to pack food.

Jesus divided the five loaves and two fish shared by a young boy with these followers. This story is told in each of the four gospels. Whatever happened that day must have made a huge impression! This gospel story is about abundance. There would be more than enough food available to feed the world. What is needed is for the world to follow the example of the young boy in the story who gave what he had!

Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 3! We hope you all enjoyed your holiday break! Our students have all settled back into routine nicely and are ready for the successes and challenges that Term 3 offers us all! We especially welcome our new students, families and staff.

This term we welcome Rebekah to Kinder, Angelina to Year 1, Annabelle and Netaniah to Year 4 and Henry to Year 6.

We would like to introduce two new staff members to St Agnes’ Primary. Darren Bagley joins our staff as Teacher Librarian. Darren is known to our school community as a regular casual teacher across many grades.

We also welcome Dave Hotham in the Grounds and Maintenance role. Dave has a strong skill set in a variety of trades and will be a welcome addition to our staff.

School Beautification

We hope everyone has noticed the holiday maintenance work as they entered our school this week. We are grateful to Jason Hilton who worked tirelessly on the gurney to make our cement glow.

We aim to continue this great work of ‘Caring for our common home’ as one of the Catholic Social Teachings we are focusing on in our 2024 Mission goal of increasing our understanding of social justice.

Stay tuned for information about other upcoming school beautification projects. 

Year 5 students were nominated to be Recycling Champions, leading the school in recycling all plastic drink bottles sold at the canteen. These students addressed the school after Prayer on Wednesday morning stressing the positives and negatives of plastic.

Students are encouraged to place these items into the blue bins, which will then be taken to the Return and Earn Centre. Money raised will be reinvested into other environmental projects at St Agnes’.


At St Agnes’ Primary we will be celebrating NAIDOC Week on Wednesday 7 August with a whole school morning prayer at 9:00am followed by classroom activities.  Thank you Aunty Sharon and Aunty April for leading this in our school.

Visiting First Nations family members are invited to remain after our whole school prayer for a morning tea.

Term 3 Class Representatives

Congratulations to the following students who have been voted by their peers to be their class representative this Term. These students will receive their badges on Monday morning following school prayer.

Year 6 Mass

Year 6 families are invited to attend Mass at Christ the King Chapel on  Thursday 1 August at 10:15am.

We are grateful to Alex and Nicholas Bushe and their family. The boys won a Nintendo Switch, but already had one. As a family they decided to donate it to the school, along with a Port Macquarie Monopoly game and asked if the proceeds could be used to support our 2024 charity.

We will start selling raffle tickets in Week 3 and the prizes will be drawn at the end of term.

NAPLAN Results

We are excited to send home the NAPLAN 2024 report envelopes to parents today. All children that participated in NAPLAN at our school should have received this envelope today. Please see the attached information sheet for additional information. 

School Photos

Schools Photos are booked in for Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1 August. Photo packs can be purchased directly through Compass. 

Uniform - Second Hand

As we are now a few years into the introduction of the new school uniform, we would appreciate it if any families have uniforms that are too small, can possibly send them into the school. We have times when children may require emergency uniforms after a toileting accident or getting wet, but we currently do not have any available supplies of sizes 4-12. We would greatly appreciate any support from families.

Feedback Form - 2025 Excursions and Incursions

At our School Community Forum (SCF) meeting on Wednesday 21 August, we will be holding a parent consultation process around excursions and incursions. Currently, all grades hold an excursion/incursion each year, with some of the costs already covered in the Class Packs. We are seeking parent voice on the types of excursions or incursions you would like available to your child. Please note that some camps for senior grades are already locked in for 2025. We understand that not all families are able to attend the meeting times, but we would still love for your voice to be heard in these discussions. Please complete the form below and this information will be tabled at the meeting. We ask that this please be completed by 2:00pm Thursday 1 August, so that we can include it with the agenda sent home next week. If you have already completed the feedback form, there is no need to complete it again.

Feedback Form

Lunch Time Activities

We are excited to share the huge array of activities our students can choose to take part in at lunch times. Thanks so much to our talented staff who are willing to share their skills with students.


Each year, students in Years 2 to 6 are offered the opportunity to sit ICAS Assessments. These are purely optional and occur on various dates during Term 3 as written below. Children from Year 2 are offered the opportunity of entering all assessments but ICAS Writing. If your child is interested in entering these competitions, please use the link and our school code NBM579 to purchase assessments. Please note that all entries are to be placed online by Monday 29 July 2024 and no late entries will be accepted. We are not in a position to give refunds to children who are absent on the day of any competition. All ICAS Assessments will be done online this year. May we please ask that you read the Privacy Collection Statement below. For more information, please contact the school office.
ICAS Digital Technologies $19.95          Years 2 to 6  - 5 August 2024
ICAS Writing $23.95                                    Years 3 to 6  - 8 August 2024
ICAS English $19.95                                     Years 2 to 6 - 13 August 2024
ICAS Science $19.95                                     Years 2 to 6 - 19 August 2024
ICAS Spelling $19.95                                   Years 2 to 6  - 22 August 2024
ICAS Mathematics $19.25                         Years 2 to 6  - 27 August 2024

Privacy Collection Statement
To analyse your child’s progress effectively, our school conducts an ongoing assessment program. The assessment we are using is a product of Janison Solutions Pty Ltd (Janison). In order to deliver the assessment St Agnes' Primary and Janison (through our school) collect your child’s personal information, such as their name, date of birth, year level and school results when you register your child to sit an assessment in the program. You must ensure that this information is accurate and current.
Janison does not:

  • Collect any personal information or data of children other than as required for the purposes of completion of the exam;
  • Transfer any personal information or data obtained during the delivery of the ICAS exam out of Australia;
  • Share any personal information or data relating to children or students with any third parties;
  • Retain any personal information or data acquired during the delivery of the ICAS exam and all such information or data is deleted from all Janison systems immediately upon completion of Janison’s contractual reporting to the school.

As the parent or guardian of a student who intends to sit an assessment, by registering your child into the assessment, you consent to our school and Janison collecting and using your child’s personal information for the purposes outlined above. If you do not provide your child’s personal information to us or Janison, we may not be able to deliver the assessment to your child. If you wish to access or correct your child’s personal information or to make a complaint about how we have handled your child’s personal information, please contact Janison’s Privacy Officer at or by writing to Legal and Compliance Team, Janison Solutions Pty Ltd, 80 Bay Street, Ultimo, Sydney NSW 2007.

We are proud to offer the ICAS Assessments, and look forward to some fantastic results later in the year. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions.

God Moment

We thank God for Jade Johnson and Faraday Wood who showed great kindness to a child in Year 1 who needed help.

E-Safety Parent Webinars Term 3

The following Webinars are available for Parents and Carers during Term 3. These are provided by the Australian E-Safety Commission and are great resources for supporting children as they learn to navigate the digital world.

Understanding how to support your child with online gaming
Suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and early secondary school.
Tuesday 30 July at 12:30pm
Tuesday 3 September at 12:30pm
Register here

Consent and online boundaries: How to support your primary-aged child
Suitable for parents and carers of children in primary school.
Tuesday 13 August at 12:30pm
Wednesday 11 September 12:30pm
Register here

An introduction to online safety and emerging technologies
Suitable for parents and carers of children and parents in primary and secondary school.
Thursday 5 September at 12:30pm
Register here

Sports News

Zone Athletics Carnival

On Wednesday, 55 Aggies students travelled to St Joseph’s Regional College to compete in the Zone Athletics Carnival. The weather was perfect, with clear skies, light winds, and a fast track. The carnival was successful, with many of our students qualifying for the Diocesan Athletics Carnival in Coffs Harbour on Friday 16 August. 

Once again, the sportsmanship from all schools was excellent, with competitors congratulating each other and showing respect to the officials. It was wonderful to see so many parents and families come out to support their children. Thank you to Mrs Brazel and Chris Farrell for supporting our students on the day and making the carnival such a success.

Jagga Smith was the Senior Girls Age Champion Runner-up and Harley Cadden was the Senior Boys Age Champion Runner-up. Well done to both Jagga and Harley.

Congratulations to the following students for their Hastings Zone Team selection:

Henry Fryer - 12yrs 800m
Chelsea Orme - 8yrs 100m
Pippa Taylor - 9 yrs 100m
Stella Donohue - 11yrs 100m, 200m and snr relay
Jagga Smith - 12 yrs 100m, 200m, long jump and snr relay
Elloise Gleeson - 12 yrs 100m and senior relay
Harley Cadden -  12yrs 100m and 200m
Asha Walker - Jnr Discus
Sophia Fox - 11yrs Discus
Charlie Haddon - 11yrs High jump
Oliver Wainwright - 11yrs Long jump
Emelia Adams - 11yrs Long jump
Layla Walsh - Snr Long jump
Georgia Watson - 11yrs Shot put
Zoe O’Brien - Snr relay Relay

Showing images 1 - 8 of 16

Paul Kelly Cup - AFL

On Thursday, 14 boys from Years 5 and 6 attended the Paul Kelly Cup for AFL. This was the first time in many years that Aggies entered a team, and our players did not disappoint. The boys played several games throughout the day in hot conditions. Many of them had never played AFL before but quickly picked up the game with help from the AFL officials and experienced players on their team.

The Aggies team finished with two wins, a draw and a loss. The loss was decided by a single point, and our players were unlucky not to make the final. Despite the outcomes, our players displayed great sportsmanship, shaking hands and enjoying the fast-paced football. Henry Fryer from Year 6 was voted Best on Field by his teammates. Well done Henry and congratulations to the team for their efforts.

KM Club

This Monday marks the return of the KM Club to Aggies. The KM Club is a non-competitive and fun activity for students to participate in before learning begins. Open to all students, the KM Club helps students build individual goals, collaborate on a whole school goal, and engage in physical activity at their own level. KM Club is run between 8:25am and 8:55am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.

In Term 3, St Agnes' Primary School students will continue their journey to popular destinations in South Eastern Australia. In Term 1, we reached the Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, although bad weather slowed us down, and we couldn't get as far as planned. Next, we aim to visit Australia's Capital Territory, where we have a meeting scheduled with Prime Minister Mr Albanese, along with visits to Questacon and the Australian War Memorial. Finally, we plan to head to Melbourne to attend an AFL game at the MCG and see the Wurrdha Marra exhibit at the NGV International Art Gallery. It's going to be a huge effort, but we hope our students can achieve these goals.

Kanga Cup Champions

Over the holidays, Nick, Ardan and Len from 4 Faith won the U10s Kanga Cup in Canberra. 

They play with Port United Moray Eels U10s and it’s the first time a Port Macquarie team has brought a championship home!!

It was cold, but it was a fabulous time and these boys represented their club, themselves, and their community beautifully.

New School Representative Jerseys - Expression of Interest

St Agnes' is excited to announce a new initiative to purchase updated sports jerseys for our representative teams. Our families, P&F, and staff have all expressed a strong desire for new playing gear that not only highlights the dedication and skills of our athletes but also proudly represents St Agnes' Primary School at sporting events.

We are reaching out to businesses within our school community to seek support for this initiative. By partnering with us, your business can help us achieve our goal of providing top-quality sportswear for our students. This partnership would include funding the purchase of the jerseys, featuring your business logo on the jerseys, and collaborating on their design.

The sports kits in need of updating include jerseys for rugby union/rugby league, soccer shirts for both boys and girls and singlets for netball, basketball, touch football, and cross country/athletics.

If your business is interested in sponsoring a set of jerseys or if you would like more information, please contact Renee Shaw at the school office on 02 6583 7433. Your support will make a significant difference in enhancing our athletes' experience and showcasing our school spirit.

Future Dates

Term 3

  • Wednesday 14 August: Girls Rugby 7’s - Sydney
  • Friday 16 August: Diocesan Athletics - Coff Harbour
  • Tuesday 23 - Friday 26 August: NSW PSSA Soccer - Tamworth
  • Thursday 5 Spetmeber: NSW Touch Football Gala Day (Years 3-6) - Tuffins Lane
  • Wednesday 11 September: Netball NSW Schools Cup (Years 3 & 4) - Port Macquarie
  • Thursday 12 September: Paul Wilson Cup & Lismore Diocese Netball Challenge - Laurieton (All Year 6)
  • Friday 13 September: Polding Athletics - Newcastle
  • Wednesday 25 September: Paul Wilson Cup & Lismore Diocese Netball Challenge Finals - Grafton


Term 3 Week 2

Sun 28 July

  • Creative Arts Spectacular Workshops - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Mon 29 July 

  • KM Club - 8:25am to 8:50am
  • Whole School Prayer - 9:00am to 9:30am
Tue 30 July

Wed 31 July
  • KM Club - 8:25am to 8:50am
  • School Photos
Thur 1 August
  • School Photos
  • Year 6 Mass at Christ the King Chapel - 10:00am to 11:00am
Fri 2 August
  • KM Club - 8:25am to 8:50am

Dates For The Diary

Mon 5 Aug

  • ICAS - Digital Technologies

Wed 7 Aug

  • Whole School NAIDOC Celebrations

Thur 8 Aug

  • ICAS - Writing

Sun 11 Aug

  • School Community Forum - Year 4 Social Sunday at Springloaded

Tue 13 Aug

  • ICAS - English
  • Visual Arts Enrichment Day - Selected students

Wed 14 Aug

  • Kinder Excursion - Grug
  • Student Enrichment - Drama workshop

Thur 15 Aug

  • Student Workshop - Enrichment Backstage Drama Day

Fri 16 Aug

  • Diocesan Athletics Carnival - Coffs Harbour

Mon 19 Aug

  • Visual Arts Enrichment Day - Seclected students

Community News


Is your child ready to shine? 🌟 Join us for drama classes every Thursday afternoon at St Agnes' Primary School!

🎭 Where: Creative Arts rooms, St Agnes' Primary School
🕒 Time: 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM
🎓 Who: Open to budding thespians in Years 1 to 6

Our classes are designed to help students express themselves and build confidence in a supportive, inclusive environment. It's all about fun and creativity!

Don't miss out on this opportunity for your child to explore the world of drama. Enroll today and watch them unleash their inner star! ✨

For more information and to register, contact the front office for an enrolment form.

Positive Behaviour Support

This week our PBS focus has been on using our 4R’s to reflect on the progress that we have made and the goals we have accomplished this term. As we come to the end of Term 2, we would like to celebrate our students’ progress and all they have achieved. The purpose of this lesson is to self-reflect on students' initial goals that were set at the beginning of the Term and to provide strategies and tools for students to make positive decisions based on our whole school expectations of following the 4R’s.

Term 2 House Winners

Congratulations again to Boronia for being the winners this term for receiving the highest number of Dojos for following the 4R’s. You all had so much fun on Wednesday. A big thank you to our wonderful Boronia leaders Bailey and William for planning a fun session. Finally, wow Boronia! Thanks for sharing your beautiful manners with us all during your treat session.

Family Sites:


Canteen News

TuesdayMichael Richards
ThursdayCathy Quirk
Friday Daniel Stewart, Veronica Swadling and Tegan Bassett

Parish News

From the Leaders

In Mark’s Gospel this Sunday we hear what happened when Jesus went back among the people who had known him for a really long time, since he was a boy. The people could not believe that Jesus was the Son of God. Even though they knew him really well and could see and touch him and talk to him in person, they missed the most important thing about him. He couldn’t do much for them in the way of healing and miracles, because they had no faith in him.

As we come to the end of Term 2 and break for the holidays, we want to express our gratitude to all who help make St Agnes’ Primary School an amazing place to be. We are a community with many gifts and talents, which we share daily with one another and most importantly, our students. We hope everyone has time for rest and relaxation after a busy term of learning and illness. We look forward to hearing about everyone’s holiday adventures on Tuesday 23 July when we return for Term 3.

100 Days Of Kindergarten

Yet again we got to experience what it looks and feels like to be old in the eyes of a Kindergarten child. Congratulations to the students on making 100 days of learning, the Kinder Staff Team for leading them on their journey and the parents for joining in the fun by organising costumes.

Showing images 1 - 8 of 13

School Reports

We are pleased to announce that the Semester One reports went live yesterday on Compass. To access the report, click on your child's photo and then click on the 'Reports' tab at the top of the screen. Further information about the reports is available through the following information:

- Understanding the K-6 Student Report - Information for Parents Paper Copy

Understanding the K-6 Student Report - Information for Parents video link 

As all reporting now involves the use of a Diocesan standard process, there are some elements of the report that are not able to be school specific or formatted at a local level. Learning Conversations with teachers were held earlier this term and another opportunity to meet with your child's teacher will be available again at the end of Term 3.

School Photos

Schools Photos are booked in for Wednesday 31 July and Thursday 1 August. Photo packs can be purchased directly through Compass. 

Year 4

This week Year 4 were so engaged in their storytelling in their Religious Education lesson that they asked not to finish. They loved their new story telling figurines for Mark’s Gospel of Saints Peter and Paul being in prison for sharing their faith. 

Year 1 Liturgy

Year 1 families have set the new record of most families attending a school liturgy. Over 40 families were represented by adults joining us for their celebration on Thursday. Father Alejo Despacio Jr enjoyed his Q and A session at the end of the liturgy as Year 1 asked questions to get to know him more; including: Why did you become a priest? What is your favourite food? And Why should we pray? Thanks to family members who joined us for the liturgy, stayed for a picnic lunch and helped decorate cards to go with the food being donated to Sr Marjorie’s Soup Kitchen and Our Place.

Term 3 Mission Calendar

Wednesday Morning Prayer

Chapel Visit 10:00am to 11:00am

Penanace at School
9:30am to 11:00am
SacramentsWhole School Mass
Week 1

Week 23 Faith (on Monday due to School Photos)Year 6 Mass

Week 3NAIDOC Prayer
Hosted by Indigenous groups and Aunty Sharon
Year 5 Mass

Week 45 FaithYear 4 Mass

Week 56 Faith
Year 5
Fri 23 August
Week 64 FaithYear 3 Mass
Year 3 Confirmation Workshops
Tue 27 August and Thur 29 August

Week 7Kinder FaithYear 2 Liturgy of the Word
Confirmation Workshops
Tue 3 Sept and Wed 4 Sept

Week 8
Year 1 Liturgy of the Word
Presentation Masses 14-15 Sept
Week 92 FaithKinder Liturgy of the Word
Confirmation Ceremonies Tue 17 Sept, Wed 18 Sept and Thurs 19 Sept
Week 101 Faith
Year 4

Creative Arts Spectacular

We are very excited about our up and coming Creative Arts Spectacular which is happening next term on Thursday 29 August. Yesterday families were sent an invitation via Compass for our up and coming workshop which is happening at our school on Sunday 28 July. The students who are involved in the drama group will be attending a two hour workshop session and the dance group students will be attending a one hour workshop.  Tickets for this event will be available for purchase early next term. 

Professional Learning

Today staff had the opportunity to deepen their own knowledge of scripture background and linking this to scriptures covered in the units of work for their grade. 

Staff Professional Learning Day - Monday 22 July

Supervision will be available at school on Monday 22 July for any families that are not able to organise alternative arrangements. Children should be in their uniform and will need to bring lunch, fruit, hat and a water bottle. Lunch orders are available, the canteen will be operating as normal on this day. Please use the link below to register your child.

To book your child’s place please log on to The unique code to logon is bebuw

Car Park Pick Up

Could all family members using our car park service please be patient and respectful. The aim of the staff member directing the flow of traffic into school is to keep students safe and to keep the traffic flowing along Boronia Street. When cars wait back level with OOSH and St Agnes' Uniform Store for their turn to enter our car park, they stop St Agnes’ families and the general public from moving. This impacts bus schedules, neighbours from getting in and out of their driveways and does not follow general road rules, as cars then try to overtake on the wrong side of the road. Vehicles are not to park across the pedestrian crossing into our car park so our students and families can safely cross. Access to car park pick-up is a privilege and drivers that are not following the instructions of school staff may have their access removed. We hope that we do not have to action this process in the future.

St Agnes' Uniform Store

The St Agnes' Uniform Store will be closed for the first week of the school holidays (8 July – 13 July) for stocktake.

God Moment

  • Kindergarten loving their dress up day for 100 days of Kinder.
  • We appreciate parents like Guy Walker who are so patient and respectful in always following the instructions at car park pick up to keep our students safe and the traffic flowing along Boronia Street.
  • Having so many families attend the Year 1 Liturgy, picnic and card making for those less fortunate in our community.

Sports News

Polding Rugby Union

Congratulations to Zane Bannon in Year 5 for participating in the Polding Rugby Union Trials on Monday. Over the weekend, Zane travelled to Forbes for a training session with the Polding team and then competed in the selections on Monday. On Sunday, Zane had the privilege of training with the NSW Waratah players and coaching staff - a fantastic opportunity for a young rugby union player.

On the day of the trials, Zane played four games with the Lismore Diocese team, staying on the field for every minute of each game. Although Zane did not progress to the NSW Championships, reaching this level of representation is a significant achievement. Zane played through four levels of selection, competing against some of the best young rugby union players in NSW Catholic Schools.

Well done Zane on your impressive accomplishments and for progressing this far!

Paul Kelly Cup - AFL

The Paul Kelly Cup, originally scheduled for this week, was postponed due to weather and local ground closures. The event will now take place early in Term 3, with the exact date yet to be confirmed. The Paul Kelly Cup is an AFL knockout competition for Years 5 and 6 students. This is the first time that the school has competed in the event for many years and the students are looking froward to the challenge. The winner of the Hastings area will advance to the regional finals in Coffs Harbour, later in Term 3.

KM Club

We're excited to announce that the KM Club is returning in Term 3! This fantastic initiative gives our Year 6 Leaders the chance to organise and run a school event for all students. The KM Club will meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 8:25am to 8:50am. Students can run, jog, or walk laps of the bottom field, tracking their distances with punch cards.

Despite setbacks in Term 1 due to wet weather and field closures, we're still aiming for our exciting goal: visiting Dubbo Zoo on our way to Melbourne. More details will be shared in the first week of Term 3. Stay tuned and get ready to join the fun!

Zone Athletics

Congratulations to all the students selected to represent St Agnes' at the upcoming Zone Athletics competition at St Joseph’s Regional College on Wednesday 24 July. Sixty of our students will be competing in both individual and team events and we wish all our athletes the very best of luck! Successful students will advance to the Lismore Diocesan Carnival in Coffs Harbour on Friday 16 August. 

Travel to the Zone Carnival will be by bus, and Mr Wilson, Mrs Brazel, and Chris Farrell will accompany the students. The bus will depart from school at 8:20am and return in time for regular afternoon dismissal. If any families are arranging private transport for the day, please email the details to A program of events is attached for families who wish to attend and support their children. The team list is available on Compass in the resources tab.

Good luck to all our athletes - go Aggies!

Future Dates

Term 3

  • Wednesday 24 July - Zone Athletics at St Joseph’s Regional College, Port Macquarie
  • Friday 16 August - Diocesan Athletics Carnival - Coffs Harbour
  • Thursday 5 September - NSW Touch Football Gala Day - Tuffins Lane
  • Wednesday 11 September  - NSW Netball Schools Cup Years 3 and 4
  • Thursday 12 September - Paul Wilson Cup and Diocesan Netball Cup - Laurieton


Term 3 Week 1

Mon 22 July 

  • Staff Professional Learning/Pupil Free Day - Child Minding Available
Tue 23 July
  • First Day of Term 3
Wed 24 July
  • Zone Athletics Carnival - St Joseph's Regional College - Bus departs at 8:20am
  • KM Club - 8:25am to 8:50am
  • Morning Prayer - 9:00am to 9:30am
Thur 25 July

Fri 26 July
  • KM Club - 8:25am to 8:50am
  • Whole School Assembly - 2:20pm to 2:50pm
Sun 28 July
  • Creative Arts Spectacular Workshops - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Dates For The Diary

Wed 31 July 

  • School Photos

Thur 1 August

  • School Photos

Mon 5 Aug

  • ICAS - Digital Technologies

Wed 7 Aug

  • Whole School Naidoc Celebrations

Thur 8 Aug

  • ICAS - Writing

Student Awards

Dojo Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 300 Dojos:

Alex A, Cody N, Fritz T, Indi F, Tara A and Thomas B

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 200 Dojos:

Alexander B, Alira S, Amber N, Ande S, Arthur V, Ava S, Beau L, Benjamin B, Benjamin D, Benjamin M, Bridger D, Bryce L, Charlotte B, Edward M, Elise G, Elle H, Emilia A, Emily H, Evie E, Georgia W, Grace M, Hadlen S, Harper C, Harper W, Hayden N, Imogen W, Isaac R, Jack D, Jack D, James D, Jasper K, Jaxson F, Jiya R, Joel C, Jorgie P, Joshua  A, Kasper S, Kirrily J, Kohen W, Korbin C, Lacey W, Leo H, Louis R, Lucy C, Mahli N, Maliya L, McKenzie H, Mikayla O, Nina T, Olivia C, Ryan F, Samuel B, Sharni D, Sienna R, Stella S, Thomas B and Zali T

Congratulations to the following students who have reached 100 Dojos:

Aisha M, Alexa M, Amahli B, Amber F, Amelia C, Amelia S, Amelie W, Amirah T, Angus S, Annalisa L, Ara J, Ardan B, Arie F, Arliah F, Arlow F, Arrabella D, Arthur H, Asha G, Ashton S, Aubree D, Ava C, Aylah H, Bonnie M, Ciaran D, Casey C, Charlee T, Charlie T, Charlotte M, Daniel L, Dela T, Diyana S, Ella M, Ella R, Emily H, Ethan J, Evie E, Felix S, Flynn N, Godwin A, Hayden R, Hazel M, Isolde O, Jack A, Jack T, Jeffrey W, Jett L, Jho'Arryn C, Jupiter S, Kade W, Kahter S, Keeley C, Lachlan C, Lachlan H, Layla M, Lily J, Lily S, Lucas C, Lucas V, Mea W, Mia C, Mia F, Miles G, Nicholas B, Pippa T, Raphael C, Rocky W, Rose M, Saxon K, Scarlett E, Sienna H, Sophie C, Sophie J, Storm T and Theodore H

Assembly Awards

Aanshi P, Annabelle S, Arthur V, Benjamin B, Bridger D, Brock B, Carol T, Chase M, Chloe L, Clare M, Clayton U, Diya D, Emilia A, Emme C, Ezra V, Fletcher S, Gaurika B, Gillyanna V, Hana D, Imogen W, Indiana F, Jenine J, Josh A, Kalari D, Kruze D, Lacey W, Lexi C, Lucas M, Mia F, Mila S, Nicholas D, Nikita S, Oliver L, Pippa T, Riley G, Rory C, Stella D, Storm T, Thomas B, Thomas B and William E

Community News

Positive Behaviour Support

This week our PBS focus is on using our 4 R’s to reflect on the progress I have made and the goals I have accomplished. As it is nearing the end of term it is time to celebrate what we have achieved and plan where we can improve.

Term 2 House Winners

Congratulations to our winning house Boronia who have received the most dojos for following the 4R’s. They will all be invited to attend the House Treat day next Wednesday 3 July.